CEO Thank you message: MEDCON23, MEDBALL23, MedVault | AMA (WA)


MEDBALL23 CEO Dr Bennie Ng_blog

CEO Thank you message: MEDCON23, MEDBALL23, MedVault

Monday July 3, 2023

Dr Bennie Ng, AMA (WA) CEO

It was a pleasure to bring MEDCON23, MEDBALL23 and MedVault to the Western Australian, and broader, medical community. These events continue to go from strength to strength, and it’s the passion of all those involved, and those who attend, that make MEDCON such a success, each and every year.

A very warm thank you everyone who supported MEDCON, MEDBALL and MedVault – attendees, exhibitors, and our generous sponsors. In total, we had 830 attendees over three days, 92 speakers across 44 sessions, 50 exhibitors and 31 sponsors – including 139 final-year medical students from the University of Western Australia, University of Notre Dame, Curtin University, and the University of Adelaide in attendance for the two-day exam revision course at MedVault.

This year there were many firsts as we worked to ensure MEDCON remained relevant and exciting for delegates. We held pre-conference workshops, including a much sought after Complex Communications workshop facilitated by the Pam McLean Centre; had a research presentation session especially for Doctors in Training, providing a platform for them to showcase their pre-college research work; and we offered Youth Friendly Doctor training for General Practitioners.

As in previous years, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) was a focus. It was terrific to see so many delegates ensuring they collected their CPD hours for 2023. A quick scan by our volunteers ensued this engaging content was part of their minimum ‘Educational Activities’ for the year.

550 guests at MEDBALL showed this event remains a feature of the medical industry’s social calendar. Congratulations to the AMA (WA) Award winners who were announced on the night: Hippocrates Award winner Dr Michael Gannon; Junior Doctor of the Year (Dr Camille Michener Legacy Award) Dr Brittney Wicksteed; President’s Award winner Prof Lyn Beazley AO; and the Jonathan Morling Doctors’ Health Champion of the Year (DHASWA Award) Dr Barry Fatovich.

A notable and humbling highlight was the commemorative theme which was embedded into all events as the AMA (WA) celebrated its milestone 125th anniversary. MEDBALL23 was especially memorable as we not only joyously reflected on the achievements of all Western Australian doctors and health workers over the past year, but also how far the AMA (WA) has come as a representative body since its inception in 1898.

We also recently welcomed our new President, Dr Michael Page. Thank you to Dr Page, Immediate Past President Dr Mark Duncan-Smith, and the AMA (WA) Council for all your support.

Of course, there is a great amount of work that goes into coordinating MEDCON, MEDBALL and MedVault. The AMA (WA) team proudly delivers this opportunity for doctors in support of their career learning, business development and network building, and we look forward to delivering many more of these exciting opportunities into the future as we continue to bring doctors of all career stages and specialties together.