
Update on Negotiations with AMA Federal
Tuesday March 19, 2024
Your AMA (WA) Board met on Monday and Saturday last week, and remains united in its desire to resolve the current situation with AMA Federal to ensure strong and sustainable State and Federal organisations into the future. Finding a mutually acceptable position remains the goal.
Our position to date has had full board support, but we believe that a fresh approach on both sides would be helpful.
We have written to the Board of AMA Federal to advise that we have a new negotiating team – comprising our President, Dr Michael Page, Vice President Dr Katharine Noonan and board member and GP Dr Mary Wyatt. We have asked AMA Federal to advise us whom they wish to nominate as primary board contacts.
We also believe that it would be helpful and appropriate in the circumstances for both our boards to get together to build connections and shared understanding, so we have offered for this to occur.
Dr Andrew Miller (Perth anaesthetist)
There is an ongoing misperception that our recent past President, anaesthetist Dr Andrew Miller, co-signed the letter from AMA Federal sent on 29 February advising of termination of membership. This is not the case. A Canberra dermatologist of the same name, Dr Andrew Miller, is a board member of AMA Federal and was the co-signatory in question. Dr Andrew Miller, our past President, wishes for us to convey that he does not support the actions taken by AMA Federal.
Member services
All services provided by the AMA (WA), including our core industrial functions, are unaffected by the dispute with AMA Federal. Continuity and restoration of membership services is our priority. If you are experiencing disruption of services, please contact us immediately.
Get involved with the AMA (WA)
We will continue to communicate with you directly regarding this current dispute, but did you know we have dedicated practice groups across public hospitals, general practice, rural, doctors in training, and private practice?
Members are always welcome to attend these meetings, where we share and discuss in detail the many issues across our health system, and plan AMA (WA) advocacy activities.
Yours sincerely,