WA Health System | AMA (WA)

WA Health - Medical Practitioners

Medical Practitioners employed in the WA Health System are covered by the WA Health System – Medical Practitioners – AMA Industrial Agreement 2022.

This includes all Doctors in Training and Senior Practitioners employed by: North Metropolitan Health Service; South Metropolitan Health Service; East Metropolitan Health Service; WA Country Health Service (see Schedules 2 and 3 for specific provisions for WACHS practitioners); Child and Adolescent Health Service; PathWest; and, Mental Health Commission; Director General of Department of Health.

Subsidiary Agreements

There are a number of subsidiary agreements which prescribe remuneration, terms and conditions for specific medical practitioners.  These subsidiary agreements provide for terms and conditions in substitution of specific provisions outlined in the WA Health System – Medical Practitioners – AMA Industrial Agreement 2022.

WA Health - Clinical Academics

Medical Practitioners employed by the University of Western Australia as a professor, associate professor, senior lecturer or lecturer and also employed in the WA Health System as a medical practitioner undertaking clinical service work are covered by the WA Health System – Medical Practitioners (Clinical Academics) – AMA Industrial Agreement 2022.

This includes all Clinical Academics employed by: North Metropolitan Health Service; South Metropolitan Health Service; East Metropolitan Health Service; Child and Adolescent Health Service; and, PathWest.

Any Clinical Academic employed as a Pathologist to provider Pathologist Services within PathWest, is covered by the Clinical Academics (PathWest) Agreement.

Please contact the AMA (WA) Industrial Relations Team if you have a question about your entitlements.