Doctors in Training Practice Group | AMA (WA)

Doctors in Training Practice Group

The Doctors in Training Practice Group is the Australian Medical Association (WA) Constitutional Practice Group that represents and advocates for the interests of all doctors in training (DiTs) in WA.

It has a proud reputation of being the strongest local advocate for DiTs across the State. We represent DiTs from internship through to trainee registrars, and liaise with the RMO Societies at each hospital to ensure we have a good understanding of on-the-ground issues at all sites.

Through the DiT Practice Group, issues that influence the lives and careers of DiTs are constantly examined and responded to, and the AMA (WA) campaigns to ensure that standards across all aspects of a DiT’s working life are maintained and improved.

A copy of the current Terms of Reference can be viewed here.

The DiT Practice Group is represented on the AMA (WA) Council and the federal AMA’s Council of Doctors in Training (AMACDT) by current co-chairs Dr Natalie Ferrington and Dr Thomas Drake-Brockman.

DiT Practice Group Meetings

The DiT Practice Group meetings are open to any DiT who is a current member of the AMA (WA). Unless otherwise arranged, these meetings take place bimonthly at the AMA (WA) office in Nedlands and online, commencing at 6.30pm and concluding at approximately 8.30pm, if not before. Site-based meetings organised in the intervening months will be advertised beforehand through email and social communications.

2024 Formal Meeting Schedule

  • Monday 12 February
  • Monday 8 April
  • Monday 10 June
  • Monday 12 August
  • Monday 14 October
  • Monday 9 December

If you would like to contact any member of the DIT Practice Group, or RSVP to attend a formal meeting, please email AMA (WA) Senior Industrial Advisor Katrina Taylor or phone the AMA (WA) on (08) 9273 3000.