Webinar: COVID-19 Stimulus & Taxation Update for Medical Businesses | AMA (WA)


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Webinar: COVID-19 Stimulus & Taxation Update for Medical Businesses

Friday May 8, 2020

The Australian Medical Association (WA) is pleased to host a webinar that provides an update on the current COVID-19 stimulus measures, and other relevant industry and taxation news.

FREE for all doctors [AMA (WA) members and non-members]
Date: Thursday 21 May 2020
Time: 7-8 pm (AWST)

Register online now!


Join Rohit Raghavan and Angela Reid from PwC Australia as they discuss:

  • The Government Stimulus Measures (including examples of how they may be relevant for a medical business);
  • The Commercial Tenancy Code of Conduct & taxation considerations;
  • Other stakeholder/creditor considerations; and
  • Relevant taxation updates.

Mr Raghavan and Ms Reid will also take questions during the webinar.