MEDICUS May 2022

Council President Dr Mark Duncan-Smith Immediate Past President Dr Andrew Miller Vice Presidents Dr David McCoubrie Dr Katharine Noonan Specialty Group Representatives Anaesthesiology Dr Celine Baber Dermatology Dr Louise O'Halloran Emergency Medicine Dr Cassandra Host General Practice Dr Mary-Therese Wyatt Obstetrics & Gynaecology Dr Paul McGurgan Ophthalmology Dr Tom Cunneen Orthopaedics Dr Dror Maor Pathology Dr Jonathan Chambers Paediatrics Dr Anna Robson Physicians Dr Tony Ryan Psychiatry Dr Helen McGowan Radiology Dr Brad Wood Surgery Dr Brigid Corrigan Practice Group Chairs Public Hospital Doctors' Group Dr David McCoubrie Private Specialist Practice Group Dr Michael Gannon General Practice Group Dr Simon Torvaldsen Doctors in Training Group Dr Jemma Hogan & Dr Jennifer Wood Rural Practice Group Dr Peter Maguire Ordinary Council Members Dr Bhaskar Mandal Dr Karina Powers Dr Alex Swann Federal Councillors appointed onto Council Dr Brendan Adler A/Prof Rosanna Capolingua Dr Mark Duncan-Smith Dr Omar Khorshid Dr Andrew Miller Co-opted Members Dr April Armstrong Dr Megge Beacroft Prof Leon Flicker Dr Kyle Hoath A/Prof David Mountain Dr Michael Page Dr Marcus Tan Dr Rebecca Wood Associate Dean, Faculty of Medicine/Dentistry, UWA Prof Brendan McQuillan University of Notre Dame Prof Rebecca Anglin Dean, Curtin Medical School Prof Graeme Maguire WA Medical Students' Society Ms Olivia Tan Medical Students' Association of Notre Dame Mr Jarrad Zylstra Curtin Association of Medical Students Ms Nathali Lagus AMA (WA) OFFICE Chief Executive Officer Dr Bennie Ng Chief Operating Officer Dr Amit Vohra Chief Financial Officer Mr Greg LeGuier Workplace Relations/Policy Team Mr David Copland Ms Katrina Taylor Mr Haydn Jones Ms Jenna Cowie Media Liaison Adviser Mr Martin Turner 8-10 Stirling Highway, Nedlands WA 6009 Phone: (08) 9273 3000 E: Medicus Editor Ms Janine Martin (08) 9273 3009; Graphic Designer Mr Tze Tan Advertising Enquiries Ms Nichola Nugent (08) 9273 3000 Services AMA Financial Services GM Mr Danby Sequeira AMA Training Services GM Mr Jan Norberger AMA Medical Products GM Mr Phillip Beake The publication of an advertisement, article or inclusion of an insert does not imply endorsement by the AMA (WA) of the views, service or product in question, and neither the AMA (WA) nor its agents will have any liability for any information contained therein. May 2022 FEATURES 02 President’s Desk 03 From the Editor 04 Workplace Relations 09 News 10 Health Watch 11 General Practice : Dr Simon Torvaldsen 12 Public Health Pulse 14 Feature: WA State Budget 16 Cover Story: Time is running out! 31 Comment: Dr Richard Kidd 32 Profile: Dr Franc Henze 35 Research: Prof Nick Martin 38 AMA in the media 41 Opinion: Dr Jennifer Wood 42 Opinion: Nathali Lagus 43 Intern Diary: Dr Monica Zheng 44 On the Shelf 46 Real Estate: Adam Schaal 47 Family Law: Framy Anne Browne 49 Drive 50 Finance 51 Member Benefits 52 Classifieds 56 The Last Word: Michael Crossland WA State Budget Lack of beds, lack of workforce, lack of political will. 14 Best seat in the house! Dr Franc Henze tells us why he loves to take to the skies. 32 Gods of Thunder come to Albert Park Our Drive columnist Paul Blank reports on all the action from the Australian Grand Prix. 48 REGULARS 16 TIME IS RUNNING OUT Climate change action must rise to the top of every health agenda. M AY 2 0 2 2 M E D I C U S 1